There are different intensity levels of fear: dread, nervousness, worry fretfulness, anxiety, panic, or terror. When we are afraid and act out, our behaviors are often very predictable. Sometimes fear motivates us to stay and fight a person or situation, or we may go to the opposite extreme and run away in an attempt to escape our fear.
There are many ways we can run from fear: through denial, rationalization, staying too busy, obsessing, talking constantly, or feeding an addiction. Our running can continue for years. Most addictions are a result of running from our feelings, including our fears. Yet none of these coping techniques will bring us to the overcoming life that Christ has planned for us.
David had a lot to be afraid of, even though he had been anointed king of Israel. Saul and his army were pursuing David in an attempt to kill him. Because of this constant threat, David was not able to walk past his fear or to put it down for any length of time. When David felt afraid, he chose to turn to the God of His salvation and be real-to feel the emotion and talk out his plight with God. Sometimes, even after going to his Lord with his fearful heart, he still felt afraid! Then, even though he was still afraid, he chose to put his trust in God. In other words, David held on to the Lord’s hand, even though he still felt fear. He chose to depend on the Lord to see him through the difficulty.
When we are afraid, let us be like David and go to the Lord with our whole heart and attempt to talk about our fear. Then, if we are still afraid, let’s hold on to the Lord and try to trust Him-even it it’s only a small amount of trust. Even a little trust will gradually grow to confident reliance on God.
“What time I am afraid, I will have confidence in and put my trust and reliance in You”(Psalm 56:3).