Our world is saturated with skepticism, agnosticism, and atheism. Many, who practice true simple faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, are vilified as ignorant, closed minded, and uninformed. Yet, truly God desires to be involved personally in the ups and downs of his children’s everyday lives! Today, the spiritual law that God performs miracles when we believe and confidently trust in Jesus’ authority is still a reality.
Yet, when it comes to faith, as believers we are all at various stages of confidence in Jesus Christ. That is we are at different spiritual levels of leaning, relying, and trusting in Christ ability to heal, guide, and meet us at our point of need. Many Christians do believe, welcoming and accepting with joy God’s promises, but when delay, affliction, or trouble comes we begin to doubt, fear, stumble, distrust, and pull away from the powerful authority we have in Jesus name. Fear and doubt will set up unbelief in our heart and mind -therefore it is the work of God to push out fear through the perfect love of Jesus Christ in a growing, loving, intimate relationship.
When a tiny seed of faith is planted in our hearts, the ground must be favorable and the soil well plowed. Otherwise, the seed of divine faith planted in each of us will not be able to grow. It is God’s will to grow us into flourishing spiritual tree’s, nourished by the Son, watered by His Spirit, and we bring forth spiritual fruit in due season. It takes time, sunshine, and rain to mature a tiny seed into a tree that shelters. Our faith grows and matures in a similar fashion; it takes time to grow into consistent, stable, expecting, believers. God, who is the author and finisher of our faith, desires to grow us up, as we continue to draw close to Jesus, and take hold of the Word of truth. Then, in time, we will be able to truly believe and receive our miracle.
“And He did not do many works of power there, because of their unbelief [lack of faith in the divine mission of Jesus]”(Matthew13:58 amp).