Ephesians 4:23
And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude].
We were created in the likeness of God and given a body, soul and spirit. The spirit part of us is where God resides-the center of our relationship with Jesus dwelling inside of us. The spirit has power to control the mind and the mind has power to control the body. When the “spirit of our mind” is renewed with God’s Truth, Love and Word the possibility to overcome physical sickness, emotional defeat and to triumph over trouble is absolutely achievable. When our spirit revives because of a continuous, renewed connection with God’s Spirit our mind’s thoughts will change from negative doubt, weariness, fear and unbelief to positive trust, power, love and believing faith. It is God’s desire to help us in our quest to be renewed and transformed thus enabling us to become His Christ-like children. So slow down and take the time to recover spiritual renewal and your thoughts will be transformed and align with the very essence of who you were created to be.