There are times that working, communicating, and relating with others is fitting, prolific, needful, and necessary! Yet, there are also appropriate times of slowing down and pulling away from the chaos and clamor of life, in order to experience growth and balance through a living, spiritual, relationship with Christ. To keep stepping forward in this world spiritually, and becoming One in heart and mind with Christ (John17:21), through the power of the Word and the Holy Spirit, requires times of solitude.
Jesus Himself went about doing good- loving, teaching, and healing. One day, while Jesus was ministering, he came upon a man covered with leprous sores. He touched the sick man and instantly the sores were healed and his skin became smooth. After this miracle the news about Jesus spread even farther. Massive crowds continually gathered to hear him speak and to be healed from their illnesses. “But Jesus often slipped away from them and went into the wilderness to pray” (Luke5:16). Even Jesus had the need to pull away from His family, friends, and followers to connect through prayer to His Father in privacy, to find rest and be empowered for ministry and destiny!
In contrast, because of our numerous cares and fears which drive us to keep pushing in our flesh, it is often hard for us to be still before God, even when we are quiet and alone. Our thoughts get stuck on- what I need to do- what I should do- what I have to do-what I want to do- what I don’t want to do. It is so easy to get on the hamster wheel of going round and round-feeling as if we cannot inwardly slow down or stop to catch a fresh breath of spiritual renewal. As a result, our hearts are occupied with a variety of distractions that keep us from finding rest and peace in his presence. Lord Yahweh wants a growing two-way relationship with His children, so we can genuinely connect with the Lover of our soul, Savior, and Liberator. Developing spiritually will not make God love us one bit more, as He already loves us perfectly because of Jesus, but it will give us the grace and ability to love Him more. Our spiritual progress will produce more peace, love, adoration, and affection in our hearts towards our Lord. It will also facilitate more heart healing to our inner man, enabling us to love and forgive ourselves, while we discover our beautiful identity in Christ. We will also have more power to love others as we learn to love ourselves.
God’s Truth is not realized like truth in this world: In our world, when we look at the sun, we do not reflect the sun; when we look at a flower we do not reflect the flower. We do not become what we see. But in the spiritual world, when we look upon, and connect with the Breath (Holy Spirit) in solitude, we will begin to reflect the Holy Spirit. When we gaze at our lovely Lord, connect, and come to know the Christ, we will begin to reflect His life. When we connect with the Father, we will be transformed. He desires for us to come away with Him and become all He created us to be.
“But He Himself withdrew [in retirement] to the wilderness [desert] and prayed” (Luke 5:16).