Luke 5:16
But He Himself withdrew [in retirement] to the wilderness [desert] and prayed.
There is a time for relating to others but to continue to mature spiritually requires times of solitude. Jesus, Himself went about doing good- loving, teaching, and healing- yet He pulled away from His family, friends and followers to connect to His Father in privacy. In contrast, many times because of our numerous cares and fears it is hard to be still before God even when we are alone. As a result our hearts are occupied with a variety of distractions that keep us from genuinely getting in touch with our Redeemer, Savior and Liberator. Developing spiritually will not make God love us one bit more as He already loves us perfectly because of Jesus. However our spiritual progression will produce more love, adoration and affection in our hearts toward God. God longs to have a deep, meaningful, purposeful, glorious relationship with His children. He desires for us to come away with Him and become all He created us to be.