We were created in the likeness of God and were given a body, soul, and spirit. The spirit part of us is where God’s resides, the center of our relationship with Jesus, whose Holy Spirit dwells within us. The Holy Spirit has power to control the mind, and the mind has power to control the body. When the “spirit of our mind” is renewed with God’s love, truth, and the Logos of the Word, it is absolutely possible to overcome physical sickness, emotional defeat and the enemy of our soul. Because it is easy to get pulled into walking in the chaos and cares of this world, Jesus calls us to come close to Him, so our mental and spiritual attitude can be refreshed by the power of the Holy Spirit. If our focus is on chaos- our soul will be pulled out of the spirit of peace Jesus offers, and we will catapult into the influence of negativity, confusion, fear, and doubt. When our focus is on Jesus’ ability to help us move forward spiritually; we will understand the necessity of taking the time to be still and spiritually renew our hearts and minds through prayer and partaking of God’s word, which will produce positive fruit in our lives. God’s Spirit has the power to refresh, replenish, and renew our spiritual and mental attitudes. Giving God the time and opportunity to renew the “spirit of our mind” by His Word, grace, love, and truth will give us eyes that see and the wisdom we need to step forward on our journey of faith. When the spirit of our mind revives, because of a continuous, renewed, connection with God’s Spirit, our mind’s negative thoughts will change from doubt, weariness, fear, and unbelief to positive trust, faith, power, love, and joy.
It is God’s desire to help us in our quest to be renewed and transformed, thus enabling us to become His Christlike children. So slow down and take the time to recover spiritual power and your thoughts will be transformed to align with the very essence of who you were created to be.
“And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude]”(Ephesians 4:23).