King David had an honest, open, and real relationship with God, which gave him the freedom to express his heart. He would release his burdens by talking out (praying) his worry, fear, anxiety, anger, hurt, and hopelessness. After pouring out his heart in prayer, he ended up praising, trusting, and finding emotional rest in his heavenly Father, even when his circumstances did not quickly change. We, like David cast our burden on the Lord-we take it back-we cast our burden on the Lord-we take it back. All of us have experienced being worried, talking it out with the Lord, releasing it onto Him, only to snatch it back when fear overtakes or circumstances go sour. This is a hard place to be, as we struggle in our faith, and the burden of our cares seem to pull us down into worry again. At this point, we may be getting weary with going back to God, but He is not weary with us, and longs for us to return to Him, so He can help us find a place of stability. Learning to rest in Jesus’ love will bring stability to our lives. But we have to choose to keep turning back to Him and casting our burdens. Then HE will take the weight of them and help us grow in our spiritual relationship, and in our faith. God hears our prayers, and will take the weight of our burdens and give us courage and strength to keep stepping forward!
“Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you”(Psalm 55:22a).