At some level, we all like the approval of others and to be appreciated. When no appreciation or approval seems to evolve after we “perform”; work hard, give much, do good things for others, sacrifice, etc., it hurts, and can be frustrating or disappointing. But because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, God accepts us as His children, we don’t have to perform for God to be accepted. Because we are God’s children, we do not need to be acknowledged by people in order to find value….we can find value through our FATHER GOD’s unconditional LOVE! When our motivation to serve others, pray, worship, or give is carried out because of our love and connection with God, HE recognizes every act of service and love we do for Him in secret. In other words, no one else may appreciate or even recognize our service, but He does….always. We do not perform acts of service and kindness so that people will acknowledge, understand, or appreciate us. Rather, our motivation is to do His will. Jesus Himself spoke the promise that when we do our good deeds “in secret,” not needing to be recognized by others, we will receive a great reward. This reward will be given openly; it will last eternally; and no one can take it away. So be encouraged. Your heavenly Father, who sees in secret, and accepts you, will reward you openly!
“And your Father Who sees in secret will reward you openly” (Matthew 6:4b).
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