A woman who had suffered a “sickness” for years, and visited many doctors – without success – was still searching for help. She heard that a man called Jesus had the ability and desire to restore health to people in need, like her. She sought Him among the crowds, believing that if she could just touch the fringe of His garment, she would be healed. Her plan was to touch Him, and quietly receive her healing, then leave. Contrary to her plan, when she touched His garment, Jesus said, “Who is it that touched Me?” The woman was afraid, but she stepped forward and told Him she had, and had been instantly healed. Jesus, honored her by saying, “Daughter, your faith has made you well! Enter into peace”- the untroubled and undisturbed well-being brought about by an encounter with the living Christ. The whole of this woman’s focus had been on Jesus, as she expected and believed Him for physical healing. But even though this woman’s healing took place in an instant, all healing does not take place in an instant. Sometimes healing is a process or delayed , because of our need for growth. Jesus also desired to give her much more than physical healing. In His purpose and plan for her – He wanted to recognize her, talk to her, honor her, and bless her with His peace. He also gave her the opportunity to tell about her miracle. Her life gave testimony that true faith will be rewarded and honored by God. Today, let’s follow in her footsteps as we seek healing and help in our times of need.
“And He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith [your confidence and trust in Me] has made you well! Go [enter] into peace [untroubled, undisturbed well-being]'” (Luke 8:48).