As we struggle through the challenges of life, many people believe that God does not truly connect with our humanness. But this is so far from the truth, because God sent His son Jesus, to live in and experience this world. In the town of Bethany, Jesus had three dear friends, two sisters Mary and Martha and their brother Lazarus. While Jesus was away in another city, Lazarus died, and the sisters were grief stricken. When Jesus returned to find the two grieving, brokenhearted sisters, He wanted to help them. Martha’s personality was that of a doer, and she often got caught up and overwhelmed with the cares of life. Mary’s tranquil personality helped her to be still and sit at Jesus’ feet to listen, learn, and worship Him as the Messiah. Jesus met each sister-each with a different personality- at her point of need. Jesus took Martha aside and tenderly spoke and reasoned together with her, helping her understand and find comfort through her faith in His words. When Jesus saw Mary sobbing over the loss of her brother, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. Mary was feeling her pain and grief when Jesus came to her. Jesus chose to come close and grieve with her, to share in the experience of her pain. Jesus wept. Today, as in Bible days, Jesus understands and feels our pain. When we are confused, hurting, or low, it is Jesus’ desire to meet us individually, to help us work through the pain and discover that He has the remedy and the solution to help us, and bring us to a lighter day!
“When Jesus saw Mary sobbing, and the Jews who came with her[also] sobbing, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. [He chafed in spirit and sighed and was disturbed.] Jesus wept” (John11:33,35).
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