“For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1Samuel 16:7b).
The outward appearance of our lives is often different from what’s really going on inwardly. In our natural state, we are usually working very hard to make the external look good in hopes of convincing ourselves and others that all is well. When our main focus is on trying to find fulfillment through outward appearance rather than looking within ourselves, we can easily fall into religious hypocrisy, superficiality, and judgment of others to cover up our own shortcomings. Because we spend so much of our energy on the “outside,” we get caught up in doing and producing, and we never consider matters of the heart that lead us toward being and receiving in Christ.
Receiving from God will bring truth and healing into our hearts. As our hearts learn to abide with Him, we will relate to others with His heart of understanding, not with judgment. Because of Christ Jesus, we are in harmony with God, and He forgives, unconditionally loves, and accepts us for who we are. When we truly believe this, we will be able to accept ourselves and others in this way. God is concerned about our hearts and wants to help us look inside and not be afraid to be real with Him or ourselves. Our hearts are the place where spiritual closeness (being) will blossom and ultimately bring fulfillment and purpose to both our inside and outside lives.