As lovers of God, it is our desire to keep stepping forward in the kingdom realm of Christ, and evolve into our destiny. We long to have our hearts and minds enlightened and cleansed of all the negative lies we have embraced, believed, and internalized about ourselves. There are usually core lies we believe that were planted by the enemy early in our lives. These negative lies will continue to influence and affect our sense of well-being, create fear, and keep us from making wise choices. Father God longs for the lies that have been planted in our hearts while living on fallen planet earth, to be replaced with His loving, powerful, healing, Truth. God has the power to remove negative beliefs from our hearts and minds, while replacing them with the Spirit’s positive emotional and spiritual Truth. God’s healing Truth gives grace, which is the ability and the want to- to keep stepping forward!
For example, as a child you might have been pressured to care-take others who were emotionally needy. Because you were zealously caught up in care-taking others, your natural process of personality development was stunted. As a child, while getting your significance from care-taking – you started to believe the lie: I have the power to fix others- it is my job to fix others –it is my job to make things right for people-it is my job to please people. As you grew up, the lies which you didn’t even know were lies, affected every area of your life. You became over responsible for others feelings- driven by guilt to help- when you could not change or make things better for others, you felt you were not good enough or you were tormented because you thought you did not express yourself perfectly. The core lie believed here was the mistaken belief that ‘I have the power to make things right for people’. You were set up by the enemy to be a savior, and there is only one Savior who has the Power to make things right for mankind, and His name is THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!
It takes our Anointed Savior and the Spirit of Truth to reveal, gradually unravel, and undo the various lies that have held us captive. Satan is a thief, and his way is to pressure us with lies and bondage- Jesus Christ offers us the gift of Truth and freedom! Jesus is the Door we must walk through in order to keep stepping forward in the abundant life. He is the good Shepherd who intimately loves and cares for His sheep- the true Savior who has the power to set us free from Satan’s lies, heal our hearts, and reveal Truth to us. Through Him, One step closer, we must continue moving forward to experience true life, freedom, and satisfaction.
“I am the Gateway. To enter through me is to experience life, freedom and satisfaction. A thief has only one thing in mind-he wants to steal, kill, and destroy. But my desire is to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect-life in its fullness until you overflow. I am the Good Shepherd who has come to give my life as a sacrifice for the sheep. I alone am the Good Shepherd, and I know those whose hearts are mine, for they recognize and know me, just as my Father knows my heart and I know my Father’s heart. I am ready to give my life for the sheep”. John 10 tPt