If Jesus personally asked you, “What do you want from me in the coming year”, what would your answer be? Every true believer will take a spiritual journey that will move us further into the passionate heart of our heavenly Bridegroom. As believers, we are all at various spiritual levels, and growing all the time. Our needs, desires, and hopes change, as we continue to step forward in the Kingdom of God.
Before meeting Jesus, we felt unworthy-so in need! We felt dark and spiritually dry. Then the Shepherd-King came and revealed Himself. We believed that Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross, and we received the Holy Spirit to live within our hearts and be our teacher, encourager, and comforter. We were spiritually born again -Jesus made all things new- The beginning of a different life – an everlasting life- a life in Christ!
We hungered for the living Word of God, and longed for our Shepherd-King! Even though our minds may have been tainted with the teachings of religious error, or our hearts broken from living in this fallen world; we began to recognize and experience the power of His unrelenting love divine. Lord Yahweh’s great love overshadowed all our shortcomings, and brought healing to our soul.
We have been through many ups and downs in life. Through experience, we have come to understand that His glory never fades, as we learn to sit under His grace shadow. We have discovered that His love revives us and helps us to find a rest that cannot be found anywhere else. During the hard times of barren winter, He draws us to His heart and helps us understand the season of hiding from him is over- now He draws to reveal I AM to all His lovers. We must follow in Christ footsteps – where He leads those that love Him- there our burdens and cares will be overshadowed by His love.
In 2018, He longs to awaken us and guide us forth. “Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you? The early signs of His purposes and plans are bursting forth. There is change in the air. Arise, my beautiful vineyard of love, made from a multitude of followers, and run with me to the higher place. For now is the time to arise and come away with me” (Song of Songs 2).