Jesus, the Anointed One paid the price, to set us free-not partially, but completely and wonderfully free! Freedom begins when we are receptive to the Holy Spirit’s teachings that we have been completely accepted by God, because of the glorious righteousness of the Anointed One, Jesus Christ. Beloved ones, God calls us to live a life of freedom, through the power of love and the Holy Spirit! Yet, we must not view this wonderful freedom as an opportunity to just…..
The Word of God proclaims to His blood bought children: To be a victorious overcomer, while traveling through life’s hardships and difficulties, we must be willing to offer up to God a sacrifice of praise! But as we know, a sacrifice of praise is not something easily carried out, because of the struggles taking place, in our hearts’ and souls’. When we are struggling through life’s pressures, powerful emotions, lack of patience, or on-going personal problems; it can become a…..
For many people, December is one of the busiest times of the year! Being lovers of God, we long for our outward life and our inner spiritual life to be connected. We desire to continually walk in the Spirit, while giving God the opportunity to direct our path and stay close in our heart and mind. Yet at times, the demanding cares of this world, added to our legitimate obligations and duties seem to pull us out of this…..
Many times when we encounter problems in our lives, we experience the familiar feelings of anxiety, fear, and distress. However, our loving and faithful God counsels His children not to be afraid, because our Lord is close and has a plan to use our difficulties in a positive way to strengthen us, even though our difficulties. To spiritually progress from anxiety, fear, and distress to reassurance, faith, and peace requires time and God’s grace to walk us through our…..
Many people believe that if we love God with all our heart, soul, and mind and love others as we love ourselves, things will go easy for us in this world. However, the reality is that, while we reside on this fallen planet, no one is exempt from experiencing difficult times of loss, anxiety, and fears that challenge our emotional and spiritual well-being. Our beloved Lord Jesus tenderly told his disciples, whom He deeply loved, that they would encounter…..
God longs to grow in a loving, caring and giving relationship with us – a two-way relationship where we experience a freedom to go to Him and honestly express our feelings-good, bad and ugly. Jesus also wants us to learn how to hear and listen to His voice, as the Word of God speak to us, with the help of our teacher the Holy Spirit, who lives within our hearts. Because God’s love towards us is much larger than…..
God recognizes every act of kindness, service, and love we do for Him in secret. Because we are God’s children, we do not need to be acknowledged by people in order to feel valued. When we look to people for approval, we will soon discover that in general mankind can be generally fickle and changeable as the wind; praising you one moment, tearing you down or judging you the next. But our God is the Rock of Ages, and His…..
In our physical world the battle between Life vs death, Love and compassion vs fear and hate, Truth vs lies, wisdom and understanding vs lack of knowledge and intolerance, forgiveness vs bitterness, and humility vs arrogance is playing out in the religious, political, and National arena. Then at the same time this battle is taking place in the heart of man! For those who have accepted the gift of the Anointed One’s love, forgiveness, salvation, and opened their heart to…..
Through spiritual enlightenment of God’s Word, united with recorded history, we understand there is knowledge available to God’s children, which the Holy Spirit longs to teach us today! But we must be willing to humble ourselves and look within our own hearts for His Wisdom to be revealed. King Ahab and Queen Jezebel served as leaders of the northern kingdom of Israel during a time of much evil in the land. Many studies have been written on the character and…..
Neither we nor others will be perfect in this world. Apart from God’s forgiveness, mercy, grace, and the influence of the Holy Spirit we don’t have the power to work towards the beautiful perfection of loving that our Lord Jesus Christ displays. There is power in evil in this world, but God’s LOVE is more powerful-the Greatest power! God tells His children to have deep, strong, consistent, abiding, and enduring love towards Him, ourselves, and one another. So it is…..