On planet earth, the on-going battle between Light vs darkness is constantly being worked out in the physical and spiritual realms. In God’s continuous plan to restore and enlighten the world; Love vs hate, faith vs fear, good vs evil, Truth vs lies, clarity vs confusion, hope vs helplessness, wisdom vs ignorance, forgiveness vs bitterness, and humility vs arrogance is playing out in the religious, political, National, and world arena. Then, at the same time this battle is taking place…..
Jesus Christ set in place salvation and power to be given to fallen mankind, through His death, burial, and resurrection. God told Adam and Eve (Adam’s race) to take dominion (Gen1:28). Through Jesus Christ, we have been given the power to take dominion, and humanity has been redeemed from the curse of death! One day God will restore creation to His original plan, and our planet will be under the rulership of men and women whose hearts are under the…..
Adam and Eve’s firstborn son was named Cain, and he later became a farmer. Then Eve gave birth to his brother Abel, who later became a shepherd and keeper of sheep. In the course of time Cain brought to the Lord an offering of fruit from the ground he tilled. But Abel brought the firstborn of his flock, and the Lord had great respect and regard for Abel and for his offering (Genesis 4:1-6amp). In the Hebrews hall of faith,…..
As blood bought followers of Jesus Christ, we are grateful for God’s magnificent and underserved grace! God became a man and experienced being human, so He could tenderly understand our human weakness and needs. When we pass through perplexing times of adjustment, weakness, or hardship, and the uncertainties of life challenge our ability to keep stepping forward in faith and perseverance – we cry out to God in our neediness, “I need more grace, more grace, and more grace!” When…..
As the end of the age dawns upon us Satan, the Master of this fallen world system comes with great fury, because he knows his time is short. In Ephesians 6:10, we are told to “be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides].” Through God’s mercy, grace, and our on-going union with Lord Yahweh, the Holy Spirit works the character and nature of Jesus…..
Today, in your walk of faith, if you are experiencing a spiritually dry time in the wilderness, the Holy Spirit wants to encourage you by saying; during wilderness seasons, when you don’t feel the aliveness and power of my Presence, you may feel numb, stuck, alone, or afraid. But continue the quest to seek me, and you shall find me in a larger way (2Samuel 22:20). During wilderness times, I AM is preparing His children to enter into a…..
A very large crowd followed Jesus, because they were intrigued, by watching Him perform signs, wonders, and many miracles of healing the sick. When Jesus walked up the mountain, he saw the vast crowd who followed and wanted to be near Him. He then asks the disciples, “Where are we to buy bread, so that all these people may eat?” He already knew the answer! Because there was a young boy in the crowd, who had five barley loaves and…..
Paul counseled the Galatian Christians to “Bear one another’s burdens”. In other words, when believers experience times of emotional, physical or spiritual struggles the love of Christ will give us the grace and desire to pray, help, support, encourage, and if needs be share in their suffering. Let’s begin by looking at what bearing one another’s burdens is not! It is not about being entangled in a guilt ridden, driven, or demanding relationship that makes your peace and well-being dependent…..
Because of all the confusion, chaos, and unrest in our world today; There are times we may feel the need to escape the continual uproars, responsibilities and pressures of participating in everyday life on planet earth! Yes, there are times a relaxing getaway or a much-needed vacation will give us some short-term relief, but they will not release us from our ongoing need to find contentment, peace, and rest in our heart, soul, and mind. God understands our genuine needs,…..
Jesus Christ came into the world to be our Redeemer and breathe the Spirit of Life into us. The Holy Spirit is the powerful Helper, who will progressively teach us how to love God with our whole heart, soul and mind, and to love others as we love ourselves. In order to purely love ourselves and others, we must humble ourselves, recognize the work of God’s grace, and believe and receive God’s full forgiveness, total acceptance, and unconditional personal love……