The powerful, unconditional, endless love that Jesus had for his disciples at the end of his earthly life is truly awe-inspiring and amazing! The Scripture states, “He loved them to the last and to the highest degree.” Even though His personal relationship with each disciple was unique, because each individual disciple’s understanding and love towards the Teacher were at different spiritual levels -Jesus loved each deeply and longed to show them the full measure of His love. Each disciple also…..
Our natural man has the tendency to worry about all the cares of this world, and there are many! But our spiritual man longs to rise above this worry and care by overcoming faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! We long to walk in victory through the daily ups and downs of life! We don’t stick our head in the ground like the ostrich out of fear, but we raise our spiritual eyes to the Truth and Light…..
In the book of Revelation, John was instructed to write what Jesus Christ showed him in a vision. He was then instructed to send those messages to the seven churches in Asia Minor. The number seven symbolizes God and His perfection; therefore, the seven churches make up one perfect and complete church in His eyes. This church becomes the representation of the Bride of Christ, which denotes transforming spiritual oneness, purity, fullness, wholeness, completeness, and perfection through the workings and…..
Pressing On in 2021 We begin 2021 at a precarious place! The days ahead seem uncertain, and some feel insecure and afraid because of these unprecedented and challenging times; But we need not fear, while God is still on the throne- moving forward and fighting for righteousness, humility, and Truth. So how do we practically work on pressing forward? As believers and lovers of God, we long to surrender every area of our lives to Jesus Christ! In Colossians 3:23amp……
It is awe-inspiring, when we consider that our “Creator” chose to enter into the very world he created as an innocent baby, who was born in a lowly manger. “He was not born by the joining of human parents or from natural means, or by a man’s desire, but he was born of God” (John1:13tPt). Jesus Christ, the son of the Triune Godhead is the human expression of the Father the and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ the Messiah, the…..
According to the Bible, our earthly human body with its human nature is identified as the “fleshly man.” On the other hand, there is a place deep inside our hearts where God resides and reigns that is regarded as our “spiritual man.” Our fleshly man and spiritual man are usually quite at odds with one another. In general, our flesh wants what and when it wants, believes that an “easy” life without difficulty will bring fulfillment, and presumes that our…..
“Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua1:9). As God-lovers we have been given courage, because we believe our Mighty God will not fail or forsake us. This God given courage will guide us toward fulfillment of the plans and purposes God has for our lives. Courage gives us the ability to face danger, difficulty, uncertainty, or pain without being overcome by…..
We have experienced many unprecedented challenges in 2020! As Christians, we have been given God’s grace and numerous opportunities to grow and press forward in faith! In our humanness, we are easily pulled into fear and all the negative emotions attached to the unknown! First, the Logos tells us to “be happy {in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually(always).” Through the ups and downs of life, the zenith of Christian maturity is to walk in Love, Joy, Peace,…..
Many television networks, cable news broadcast, and various social media platforms would be out of business if they were required to report truthful, hopeful, optimistic, and positive messages. We discover ourselves feeling overwhelmed, and easily pulled in to the gloom, distrust, hopeless, and cynical worldviews that dominate our society. We are bombarded with negativism on every side- it is no wonder we struggle to stay in truth, positive hope, and faith! Yet God has given us guidelines that will help…..
To encourage the struggling believers in Rome, Paul advises, “[let us also be full of joy now!] Let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings”. Very few of us have learned to experience this level of spirituality as a way of life. To be told to rejoice in troubles sounds a bit ludicrous and doesn’t make sense in the natural; only in our spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ will this truth be comprehended. Nonetheless, God…..