In the physical realm, if our diet consists of too many fats, carbohydrates, sweets, etc., and not enough vegetables, water or protein, etc., sooner or later we will experience sickness as a result of imbalance. Next, emotional balance is essential to living an abundant life. Few of us learn how to love ourselves and express our inner emotions-sadness, gladness, anger, and fear- in a healthy manner. Our out-of-balance emotions either pour out uncontrollably on everyone, or they are shut down…..
“Behold, you are beautiful, my love! Behold, you are beautiful! You have doves’ eyes” (Song of Solomon 1:15). Most of us are very busy and easily pulled in many directions. When we are habitually distracted by our worries, and the cares of this world it can be hard to slow down and focus on the things that really matter and will have lasting,, positive spiritual impact on ourselves and others. When we get gradually caught up, by the “cares of…..
As followers of Christ, we are told that God desires to use what we say to help others heal, and grow spiritually. He would like to use our speech to encourage and assist others when there is an occasion or need. In this world it is very easy to get pulled into the spirit of speaking negative, cynical words that tear down, and create more injury to wounded hearts. We are told in James 1, “the tongue is a small…..
When we hear the word blessed, many think of material increase or a carefree life without major problems. Yet, just because people have plenty of material goods or seemingly not much struggle; life can become just commonplace existence, with no real passion to keep stepping forward…. not blessed. Jesus offers so much more to those who call on His name when He proclaims, “Blessed are you”. Stepping forward in the Kingdom with the ‘Blessed One’ has the power to change…..
Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety in our heart can manifest itself in our lives in different ways. We may have feelings of worry, nervousness or agitation about something that could possibly happen. Or our anxiety may be an obsessive focus or concern that just troubles us, and we just can’t seem to put it down. For whatever reason, we become overwhelmed; the results will be a heavy and burdened heart, which will negatively affect every area of our lives. So, if…..
Whether walking through a difficult time or just feeling no passion or purpose in our walk of faith, we all need encouragement. Yet often, when someone needs understanding or an encouraging word, believers tear down one another, judge one another, and put their opinions on one another. On the contrary, God tells us to encourage one another, inspire one another, cheer on one another, and reassure one another that His love is larger than our weaknesses, and He will see…..
“And your Father Who sees in secret will reward you openly” (Matthew 6:4b). God recognizes every act of kindness, service, and love we do for Him in secret. Because we are God’s children, we do not need to be acknowledged by people in order to be valued. When we look to people for approval, we will soon discover that in general mankind can be generally fickle and changeable as the wind; praising you one moment, tearing you down or judging…..
The covenant God made with His people in the Old Testament required all to keep the law. Then when God’s people fell short and could not keep the law, the high Priest was required to offer sacrifices for the people’s sin, year after year. But now we live by the new covenant, in which Jesus Christ, our high Priest, gave His Life’s blood to be the sacrifice for our sins once and for all – the Just for the unjust……
Many times in our lives we overcome difficulties and process through our feelings by praying, leaning, relying, and trusting in God. But at other times- perhaps when we are physically, emotionally, or spiritually weary, adjusting to new conditions, while continued negative circumstances seem to keep hitting us- we may feel beat down, low, without hope, as if we are unable to keep stepping forward. In this hard place- depression, fear, self-pity, hopelessness, and the oppressor’s lie that God does not…..
When we think of the word repent, our minds’ eye may be filled with a vision of angry preachers yelling at fearful congregations! Yet Jesus spoke of repentance in a totally different spirit. His words were always spoken in the spirit of love, power, and truth towards those He was calling to Himself. Whenever Jesus preached repentance, it was out of a heart of love and desire for broken humanity to turn to Him and connect in a larger…..