The human race seems to be plagued with complaining. Have you ever noticed that it seems easier to focus on or point out what is wrong, instead of what is right? We complain about our circumstances, family, friends, and enemies. We grumble about the economy, politics, churches, and jobs. Often we get pulled into being judgmental, critical, and negative, because of our pride, unprocessed inner anger, or fears. Being judgmental and angry go hand-in-hand, producing a negative cycle that will…..
We were created in the likeness of God and were given a body, soul, and spirit. The spirit part of us is where God’s resides, the center of our relationship with Jesus, whose Holy Spirit dwells within us. The Holy Spirit has power to control the mind, and the mind has power to control the body. When the “spirit of our mind” is renewed with God’s love, truth, and the Logos of the Word, it is absolutely possible to overcome…..
Most of us desire to walk in harmony with others, but in this world conflict cannot totally be avoided! It is so easy to get pulled into conflict, even when our heart’s desire is to be people of peace! What’s really inside our hearts is going to be forced out through our mouths in times of conflict, stress, or anxiety. At some point, we will all find ourselves in a difficult place where we must choose what to do…..
“And I say, oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest” (Psalm 55:6). There were times when King David did not want to look at the pressures in his life – he just wanted to fly away and find some relief and rest. In times like these, when it feels as if responsibilities, challenges, or trials overtake our ability in life to rest in the Lord – it can be a struggle…..
If Jesus personally asked you, “What do you want from me in the coming year”, what would your answer be? Every true believer will take a spiritual journey that will move us further into the passionate heart of our heavenly Bridegroom. As believers, we are all at various spiritual levels, and growing all the time. Our needs, desires, and hopes change, as we continue to step forward in the Kingdom of God. Before meeting Jesus, we felt unworthy-so in…..
“And he said to him, ‘Well done, excellent bond servant! Because you have been faithful and trustworthy in a very little [thing] you shall have authority over ten cities’ (Luke 19:17). God gives all His children a measure of faith. Our walk of faith is a life long journey, with various paths to explore. Even when we feel unsettled, and we are unable to discern what direction to take, Jesus tells us not to worry, follow me, “For I AM…..
“Then Mary said, Behold, I am the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be done to me according to what you have said. And the angel left “Luke 1:38. “And blessed (happy, to be envied) is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of the things that were spoken to her from the Lord” Luke 1:45. During Christmas Celebration, I love to ponder the life of Mary, the chosen mother of Jesus. She was the handmaiden of the…..
Job, whom God called a righteous man, was sick and tired of it all! In various ways, he and his family had been persistently attacked by the Enemy-to the point where Job believed the lie that God wanted to tear him down and leave him there. In addition to grueling circumstances, three of Job’s so-called friends came to heap their religious judgments onto Job’s broken body, heart, and soul. Job fought his friends’ efforts with the truth, but to no…..
Sometimes life is hard! First we struggle to fix what’s broken, whether the trouble we are experiencing is an on-going challenge that we just can’t seem to overcome, or a new problem with our job, family, friends, finances, or failing health. When our efforts and plans just don’t seem to be working out, we run to God for help and start praying. But as time goes by, and our prayers seem to go unanswered, and additional challenges arise, it is…..
When life is hard and we feel overwhelmed by a current situation or we are worried about our unknown future, or maybe we are greatly disappointed and offended by someone. At this point, we may feel afraid about stepping forward in life to seek a resolution for our present troubles, as our human nature shouts, “Run away! Get out of this mess!” But running away to push down or hide from our thoughts and feelings will never allow us to…..