The Miriam Webster dictionary states that the word flatter means, “To praise excessively especially from motives of self-interest”. Today there are many people in our world who use flattery to gain favor socially, to enlarge their power over others, to infiltrate religious groups, or procure dis-honest business adventures which include preying on the naïve and unsuspecting. Usually a person that flatters wants something from the one they are flattering. When Jesus was teaching in the temple, the high priest and…..
Unfortunately comparing ourselves with one another is a familiar part of our world’s way of life. We assess the value of our lives, by comparing our exterior appearance, intelligence, behaviors, personalities, spirituality, material goods, and success. We unwisely compare friends, partners and children by evaluating each other by various differences and similarities. However the Bible cautions if we choose to partake in the “act of comparing” we will lack in sympathetic understanding toward one another and behave foolishly. Because when…..
The statement “God loves you” sometimes comes across as an overused religious cliché spoken without passion or power. Yet it is the undisputable Truth that the triune God -the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit is the most powerful existing force of love in the Universe! The Logos speaks that God’s love is so powerful that it has the ability to transcend suffering, affliction, tribulation, calamity, distress, persecution, and destitution-they are impotent to hinder God’s omnipotent love!…..
The dictionary states endurance means “to carry on through, despite hardships”, and patience is “the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset- persevering calmly when faced with difficulties”. The Bible tells us that developing endurance and patience into our lives will bring beneficial and valuable spiritual fruit into our lives. But to put it plainly, our ‘natural man’ shuns learning these great spiritual qualities because the tool of tribulation must be used to teach enduring…..
At the beginning of Job’s time of suffering, the scriptures say,” In all this Job sinned not nor charged God foolishly”. However, as the days of Job’s testing continued, and his three “comforting friends” only generated more upset and discomfort, Job fell into the abyss of self-pity. The dictionary defines self-pity as the “self-indulgent belief that your life is harder and sadder than everyone else’s. “ Many times when we fall prey to self- pity, we do not have the…..
Just like the leper, some of us have seen and heard of Jesus’ mighty power to heal those in need. We believe He has the authority and ability to bring us wholeness, but at the same time we doubt whether He is willing to help. The leper walked up to Jesus and threw himself down before him in worship and said, “Lord, you have the power to heal me…if you really want to”. Jesus reached out his hand and touched…..
The Bible teaches that our flesh man can be easily drawn into lust, greed, and the pride of life, while our spiritual man understands that these are not from the Father, but are part of this world system. Yielding to and getting pulled into lust, greed, or pride will cripple us spiritually, and are not a panaceas for growing in God’s grace, wisdom, or peace. Nevertheless, many wonderful, virtuous benefits can be experienced while we are living in our fleshly…..
It’s not always easy to believe that God wants to bestow His goodness on you, especially during prolonged, difficult, demanding, challenging, tough times. The unhealed wounds in your heart that hold layers of unprocessed hurt and anger will give an opening to the Enemy, to plant negative thought patterns, and bombard your mind with hopelessness, self-pity, fear, or condemnation. The negative thoughts speak – things will never change for the better….I feel overwhelmed and defeated…. What’s the use, I might…..
What pleases God? We might answer: being a good person, going to church, helping people, and so forth. Although a “good work” in and of itself does not bring displeasure to God, it is not, according to Scripture, what brings pleasure to Him. God is looking for those who will believe, rely on, and have confidence in Him. When we believe, lean, rely, and trust in Him- He is exceedingly pleased. The triune God, through Jesus Christ our Lord, desires…..
Song of Solomon 2:14-15 “For you are my dove, hidden in the split-open rock. It was I who took you and hid you up high in the secret stairway of the sky. Let me see your radiant face and hear your sweet voice. How beautiful your eyes of worship and lovely your voice in prayer. You must catch the troubling foxes, those sly little foxes that hinder our relationship. For they raid our budding vineyard of love to ruin what…..