God is love, and the zenith of spiritual maturity is the ability to abide and walk in His powerful and glorious love. Delightfully loved ones of Yeshua Jesus, since He loves us with such tremendous love, then loving one another should be our way of life!
Yet, without the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit transforming our hearts, this is impossible, but we must remember that with God all things are possible when we believe! (Mark9:23) We cannot love in purity apart from His sufficient grace pushing out the old man to make room for His love Spirit to fill more space in our hearts. It is not about trying to be good or religious, it is about “God makes his permanent home in us, and we make our permanent home in him, and his love is brought to its full expression in us”.
There are many unlovely and broken people in our families, churches and the world, whom God greatly loves and gave Himself sacrificially for their salvation. Just as He loved you and me before we saw with our own eyes that the Father God sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. Our love for others is our grateful response to the love God first demonstrated to us, which included forgiveness. This was just the beginning of our new life (born again), and surely, we are all at different levels of spiritual healing and growth, but we are moving towards the Light, and growing in grace, mercy, faith, love, and oneness!
So, continue to move forward and come into an intimate experience with God’s love, and you will be able to trust in the love He has for you – this love will push out fear. When God’s love has reached its goal/destiny within you, the day of Judgement will not be feared but looked forward to, for perfect love will have made us like our beloved Savior, Jesus the Christ. It is a work and gift of God, lest any man should boast.