We, who have been totally accepted by God the Father, because of our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, desire and long to do God’s will and be pleasing to our Beloved Lord! Yet many times, our walk with Jesus mostly moves forward by trusting and believing faith, because we don’t always know the Way to go, nor understand the next step that Father would have us take. Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit of God, which lives within our hearts is directing us more than we realize! During times of waiting on God to direct our paths, the enemy of our soul may attempt to steal our peace by guilting, condemning, or accusing us of not “doing” what we “need” to be doing! You must understand that the enemy wants to pull you off the peace and soul rest that surrendered trusting creates, and take you to the place of anxious figuring. Jesus’ blood bought children must realize that what God wants from us is an on-going surrender of the heart, soul, and mind. He wants the good, the bad, and the ugly- He wants every part of us surrendered! It is in this total sacrifice of ourselves that we will be delivered, led, and given “His peace”. For example, when King David repented of adultery, He confessed: “For the source of your pleasure is not in my performance or the sacrifices I might offer to you. The fountain of your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before you. You will not despise my tenderness as I humbly bow down at your feet” (Psalm5116-17tPt)! Yahweh wanted all of David, inside and out! Later, after passing through the fire, where God tested, proved and made David better than before, by saturating him with His goodness, David proclaimed, “I come before your presence with my sacrifice. I’ll give you all that I’ve promised, everything I have. When I was overcome in my anguish, I promised to give you my sacrifice- Here it is! All that I said I would offer you is yours! The best I have to bring I’ll throw it all into the fire as the fragrance of my sacrifice ascends unto you” (Psalm66:13-15tPt). David gave God the sacrifice that pleases- His everything- inside and out. As we continue to step forward in heart surrender to Lord Yahweh, we will discover the peace and rest that Jesus Christ bought for us on Calvary. We will proclaim with David, “All you lovers of God who want to please him, Come and listen, and I’ll tell you what he did for me. I cried aloud to him with all my heart and he answered me! Now my mouth overflows with the highest praise “(Psalm66:16-17tPt).