Has there ever been a time in your life, when you had so much going on that you just couldn’t logically “figure out” how you were going to complete the many responsibilities before you? Most of us would have to answer yes! But, as lovers of God, when we enter into overwhelming and trying challenges, we have learned to cry out to God. Out of our neediness, and because we don’t know exactly the “how and the way” of getting things accomplished, apart from anxiety and worry, we continue to cry out and depend on Him all the more. As we learn to depend on His faithfulness, and not our figuring, rely on His love to push out our fears, receive His power of favor and grace to conquer our weakness- the more we are able to cast our cares on Him, and release the weight of worry and anxiety from our hearts and minds. “My grace is always more than enough for you and my power finds its full expression through your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9tP). Then we will be able to depend on the Savior to work all things together for our good! God is Faithful, and when He sees you through a hard time, and gives you a spectacular and personal victory – you will experience more of His faithfulness, while your Faith and love for Him will grow and increase! Yes, His mercy and loving-kindness are great toward us, and His truth and faithfulness will endure forever!
“Let everyone, everywhere Shine with praise to Yahweh! Let it all out! Go ahead and praise him! For he has conquered us with his great love, And his kindness has melted our hearts. His faithfulness lasts forever, and he will never fail you. So go ahead, let it all out! Praise Yah! O Yah!”( Psalm 117 tPt).