When we stay angry with God about our hard or disappointing circumstances, it blinds us from the truth that God can bring us to a better place and somehow work things out for our good, in spite of the bad things that have happened to us. The pressure of hard circumstance push up what is in our hearts’. When we deny our anger, or hold on to our anger towards God, we either want to fight Him (blame, accuse) without a resolve, or we pull away and stop praying. Neither of these choices will help us, but will keep us in bondage to our anger, as our hearts’ harden and believe the lies the anger tells us about God. In times of struggle, when we are tempted to stay angry with God, we must practice the principle of putting our anger on Jesus. God’s love is bigger than all our anger, and it’s ok to blame and accuse God as a means to an end of working the anger out and letting it go. HE LOVES us unconditionally and is BIG ENOUGH, to take the anger we are feeling and bring us out of the bondage. This freedom will ultimately enable us to continue on in a growing spiritual relationship with God, and experience the victory of joy, and blessings that God has planned for our lives.
“Surely I wish to speak to the Almighty, and I desire to argue and reason my case with God[that He may explain the conflict between what I believe of Him and what I see of Him]…And the Lord turned the captivity of Job and restored his fortunes, when he prayed for his friends; also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. And the Lord blessed the later days of Job more than hi beginning” (Job13:3;42:10,12a).