“For unto us a child is born…for unto us a Son is given… and the Glory of the Lord shall be revealed”.
It has always humbled and amazed me that God chose to reveal His Glory through the birth of a meek child. That God, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and ending, the First and the Last- sent His gentle Son to be the Savior of the world, and reveal “I AM” in the flesh! As we all know He was born in a stable in the City of David, in Bethlehem. Then Mary wrapped her precious Son, named Jesus, in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Now if we humans had been doing the planning, we would not have planned the birth of a King to take place in such a lowly, humble setting; but Gods ways and man’s ways are usually very different- His ways are higher than our ways! It all happened according to God’s perfect plan; the Divine Christ child was born…..Angels sang….Shepherds worshipped…..Wise men brought gifts, and Jesus Christ brought Love and salvation to a world in need of Spiritual revelation! Praise be to God for His Son, Jesus Christ! We will celebrate His birth, as we yield to God, and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the true Glory of God to us……His followers!