God gives all His children a measure of faith. Our walk of faith is a life long journey, with many paths to explore. Even when we don’t know what path to take, Jesus tells us not to worry, “For I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life”. Sometimes we may believe we have great faith, but when we are tested through circumstances or delay, we realize our faith is small. Now this isn’t bad, it is just a part of growing up, like a baby learning to walk; during the process, he or she will fall many times, but sooner or later, that baby will be standing, walking, and running….. So it is with faith! This principal of growing faith is similar to the parable of the bond servant who was given “minas,” a very little thing, but who was later rewarded for being authentic and stepping forward in the small things. When we choose to hang on, work through, and trust in God, even when our faith is small, we will gradually be rewarded and develop increasing, growing faith. Trust God with the little and then you will spiritually progress to believe Him for the larger. So don’t be discouraged and beat yourself up when your faith falters. Just remember to keep looking unto Jesus, the leader, source, and finisher of our journey of faith.
“And he said to him, ‘Well done, excellent bond servant! Because you have been faithful and trustworthy in a very little [thing] you shall have authority over ten cities’ (Luke 19:17).