God created tears as an integral part of healing the heart. When Jesus saw Mary and Martha crying over their brother’s death, He wept. That is, Jesus felt their pain and cried with them, helping release the heavy burden of their loss. When we experience loss it wounds our hearts, and the emotional components of hurt and anger, like a hand and glove, are layered in the wound. Just like a physical wound must be opened to let the infection out before it can heal- it is the same with the wounds of the heart. So, how do we open our heart to let the hurt out? It is simple, God has given us tears to cry out and release our hurtful pain. Now this sounds so easy, but working out emotional hurt can be a challenge. In the middle of releasing hurt, it is sometimes hard to believe that feeling the hurt, and releasing it by crying, will bring us to a better emotional and spiritual place. But it will, because God is involved in taking the hurt and replacing it with His healing ointment of grace, love and peace. In reading #7, “Pour out Your Heart”, I share my story of how God took my hurt when life felt so hard, and brought me to a new place. Again if you don’t have the book- go to the preview at amazon.com – reading #7- Letting Go of Hurt is included. If you are struggling with hurt today, our loving God is waiting for you to pour your pain on Him as He renews, revives, and reawakens your heart, soul, and mind.
“My tears have been my food day and night, while men say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” (Psalm 42:3).
“Jesus wept” (John 11:35).