It is awe-inspiring, when we consider that our “Creator” chose to enter into the very world he created as an innocent baby, who was born in a lowly manger. “He was not born by the joining of human parents or from natural means, or by a man’s desire, but he was born of God” (John1:13tPt). Jesus Christ, the son of the Triune Godhead is the human expression of the Father the and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ the Messiah, the…..
According to the Bible, our earthly human body with its human nature is identified as the “fleshly man.” On the other hand, there is a place deep inside our hearts where God resides and reigns that is regarded as our “spiritual man.” Our fleshly man and spiritual man are usually quite at odds with one another. In general, our flesh wants what and when it wants, believes that an “easy” life without difficulty will bring fulfillment, and presumes that our…..