“When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath [your exasperation, your fury, your indignation] last until the sun goes down” (Ephesians 4:26). Sometimes we know we are angry, and at other times we are unwilling to recognize and own the anger in our hearts. We may have developed a fear of anger during childhood because we observed some family member acting out anger inappropriately, and we do not want to behave like them. Or we could have…..
Even people who consider themselves courageous and strong have times when they feel overcome with weakness and fear. When we begin to dread life, and it feels so hard to keep stepping forward through the daily challenges, we may sense the need to give up and quit. At this point it would be easy to fall into self-pity, or self-loathing for not being stronger, BUT that would only lead us in the wrong direction…. to emotional and spiritual defeat. We…..
Fear is not from God, in fact He wants to give us the opposite- His spirit of love. As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, we will begin to believe that God is on our side. Jesus is not out to hurt us but out to help us know Him for who He truly is – the God of love, not the God of condemnation. When we recognize His goodness, it is easier to trust Him, even when we…..
When life is hard and we feel stressed-out about a current situation or our unknown future, when we are offended by others or are so afraid that life feels overwhelming and without hope for a resolution, then our human nature shouts, “Run away! Get out of this mess!” But running will never allow us to find true inner peace. King David’s life was a long, hard battle with his circumstances and with people who struck out against him. He experienced…..
King David had an honest, open, and real relationship with God, which gave him the freedom to express his heart. When he released through prayer his anger, hurt, fear, or hopelessness, his heart would be settled and he could begin praising, trusting, and believing his heavenly Father, even when his circumstances did not quickly change. David cast the negative on the Lord, and the Lord assisted; helping and supporting him by refilling his heart with His positive Spirit of praise…..
Without Love All is in Vain Loving God, ourselves, and others is the vital ingredient that keeps us feeling alive and pushing forward in our walk of faith. It is the power of God’s loving Spirit within us that makes our words, faith and actions meaningful and not in vain. The Bible tells us we can say wonderful things, do wonderful things, and have faith, but done without love, it is all in vain. In other words God is concerned…..
What is in your heart, Deborah? I heard the still, small voice of the Lord asking the question in the midst of my struggles. My heart? I thought. What do you mean by “heart”? The word heart was like a foreign word to me. I was busy-busy, doing for the Lord and doing for the needy. Didn’t he know that? At the same time, I was attempting to be the best wife, mother, and homemaker on the planet. I was…..
Being full of God’s love is the zenith of spiritual maturity!God’s love longs for us to receive more of His grace, which will take us to a higher spiritual place. So, what does God’s love living within us look like? Well, 1Corinthians13:7-8a states, “Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fade less under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. Love Never fails”. According to…..
Most of us are so afraid of having an encounter with hardship, loss, or disappointment; we are blinded to the benefits that can be derived from experiencing grief. When we experience big sorrow, it gives us an opening to learn to experience bigger and more joy! This is a spiritual paradox and brings hope to those who suffer! When we go through difficulty, we often tend to grit our teeth and try to hold ourselves together as we continue with…..
Whether walking through a difficult time or just feeling no passion or purpose in the ashes of mediocrity, we all need encouragement. Yet often, when someone needs understanding or an encouraging word, believers tear down one another, judge one another, and put their opinions on one another. On the contrary, God tells us to encourage one another, inspire one another, cheer on one another, and reassure one another, that His love will see us through to a better place! It…..