Do you make New Year resolutions? Some of us do…some of us don’t. But one thing we all have in common as followers of Christ is needing our Lord’s grace, mercy, and love to help us follow Him and know Him more clearly in the coming new year. Jesus walked in the flesh, and understands the challenges we face in our lives. Yet, because the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the World….then the Holy Spirit was…..
Before trying to live in harmony and love others, it is surely necessary to be in harmony with and love ourselves. Without true self-love, we are not capable of truly loving others. If we are hard on ourselves, we will in turn be hard on others. The behavior in others that we criticize most often is usually a behavior we posses or fear possessing. We feel threatened by others’ examples of our own weaknesses-or potential weaknesses. It is important that we learn about…..
Do you see the glass half empty or half full? Many people have the tendency to be all or nothing thinkers-it’s all good or it’s all bad! This kind of thinking is unrealistic and will easily defeat our efforts to win the battle to overcome in negative or hard situations. To balance the negative and positive sides we must look at our situation truthfully! For example, last year I seriously injured my shoulder… I did not deny it hurt…. it also kept…..
“Joy to the world! the Lord is come; Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven, and heaven and nature sing.” The words that Isaac Watts penned many years ago still ring true today. Let us prepare our heart, and make room for the wonder of His love, peace, and joy to increase in our lives in the coming year! And she gave birth to her Son, her…..
“For unto us a child is born…for unto us a Son is given… and the Glory of the Lord shall be revealed”. It has always humbled and amazed me that God chose to reveal His Glory through the birth of a meek child. That God, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and ending, the First and the Last- sent His gentle Son to be the Savior of the world, and reveal “I AM” in the flesh! As we…..
In our humanness, the thought of suffering is troubling! Nonetheless suffering will come to all of us while living on this earth. Of course we are naturally afraid of undergoing suffering because it hurts! Even though the Bible clearly tells us that HE is able to use suffering and work good into our lives, it is hard to actually grasp that anything positive can come out of struggling.The experience of suffering will always cause change- we will become better or…..
Hating our enemy will spiritually, emotionally, and physically make us sick. Jesus teaches us to love our enemies- those that hate, hurt and want to harm us. Is this even possible? All things are possible with God! But what does this pure “God Love” look like? Certainly He is not telling us to simply give in to these negative forces and let them have their way. Such adversaries must be confronted in spite of all their anger-but without adding to it, without provoking new anger , without getting…..
King David was the chosen, anointed king of Israel, a man after God’s own heart. Yet at times, disillusionment took over and seemed to defeat his belief in God’s love and faithfulness to see him through the trials he faced. Prolonged hardships pulled David into feelings of self-pity and being a victim. His accusations toward God continually fueled emotions of disappointment, anger, and hurt. Let’s look at the course that brought David to this disillusionment so we won’t fall into…..
In the long run, when a soul experiences love and acceptance in its formative years, it is easier to trust in God’s faithful love. Because of Jesus’ redemptive love, we are forgiven for our past, present, and future shortcomings. In turn, His forgiving love teaches us to forgive ourselves and others with compassion and understanding. Embracing this God given wisdom will enable us to step forward and live the great commandment..” Love the Lord Your God with heart, soul, and…..
We are spiritual beings living in fleshly bodies in this world. Like oil and water, spirit and flesh generally resist integration and it takes a lifetime journey to grow into a maturity of soul. Our spirit desires to do God’s will and love Him with all our hearts, but so many times our flesh seems to arrest our spiritual growth. It will take a lifetime journey attending “life is a school”, but because of our relationship with Jesus and the…..