In Bible times, a yoke was a wooden frame by which two oxen were joined at the neck in order to have more strength, and work together. Jesus declared that those who were burdened should take His yoke upon them, meaning He offers to come close and help carry our burdens. As we look to Jesus for help in carrying our burdens, we discover His true heart, which is gentle and humble, not harsh or arrogant. God is awesome, and…..
“Happily ever after” is the motto that our “natural man” desires to follow. We are afraid of unhappiness, as if something is wrong with us if we are not happy all the time. We are unable to appreciate that sadness is required as much as happiness in our pursuit of emotional and spiritual growth. Feeling happy and being at peace can be two totally different states. Being happy seems to depend on our circumstances, but being at peace is a…..
The Bible teaches us that there is a time and season for every purpose under heaven. In other words, we will experience continual change while living in this world. Nothing stays the same, just as babies are born and elderly loved ones pass away, the cycle of life moves forward. We rationally understand that change will come to us all, but when our lives and circumstances are suddenly altered, it can be hard to adjust spiritually and emotionally. Unpredictable change…..
At times we all have anxious thoughts. These negative thoughts attack our faith, hopes and dreams and attempt to send us into a spiral of restlessness and fear. For God’s children, the only positive thing about anxiety is that it causes us to look to Him in a bigger way to find relief and answers to our dilemmas. God does not send anxiety, but He will use anxiety to get us to come to Him and allow His Love to…..
Why do we sometimes run to God for help and at other times try to fix things ourselves apart from God? Well let’s look at several matters that maybe influencing us. When we turn to God for help, many of us have a “happy meal” mentality. Like at the drive through, fast-food restaurant; we place our request at the microphone, pull up to the window, and expect our meal which includes a prize-all within a few minutes’ time. Some of…..